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  • Writer's pictureSamhita Gollapallli

An accidental call

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

All of us make embarrassing mistakes and it is nothing to be ashamed of. I have made one such mistake which was pretty awkward and funny as well.

It all started when I bought some Kurtis from a small store near my house. The Kurtis were loose for me, so I gave them for resizing in the same store. I gave my brother’s phone number(of his new phone) and mine. He wrote our numbers on the receipt he gave us and also wrote the shop’s landline number on the same receipt. He told us to collect the Kurtis after two days.

After two days, I took the receipt of the Kurtis and tried calling the shop to check whether the Kurtis were ready. On the top corner of the receipt, there were two numbers written. They somehow looked familiar to me, but I did not go into details. I dialed the number written on the top. It was continuously engaged. It exasperated me.

I tried calling the second number. This time I was lucky, and they answered the call. The person at the other end answered, “Hello!”. The voice sounded familiar but my brain was not interested in thinking about that. The only thing I wanted to do at that moment was to get my Kurtis back.

I said, “Hello, is this .... store?”. “What the hell are you saying?”, exclaimed the person at the other end. It perplexed me to think of a shopkeeper talking like this to his customers. Anyway, I put this thought aside and focussed only on getting information regarding the items I gave for resizing. I tried again saying, “I have purchased Kurtis from your store and gave them for resizing. I live nearby your store.” The other person replied, “Have you gone mad?” and started laughing.

I was completely bewildered now. “Is this a prank?”, I thought to myself and looked at the receipt checking if I had dialed the right number. That’s when I realized I had dialed my brother’s phone number instead of the shop’s. The first number I dialed was mine. And that’s why it was continuously engaged. No wonder the numbers and the voice seemed familiar.

I told my brother what had happened between peals of laughter. He laughed and laughed like anything (who wouldn’t). The shopkeeper had written the two numbers for himself. But by mistake, he had given the receipt to us. You should have seen my face when my brother yelled at me like that.

So, from my funny incident, I can tell you to be more careful while dialing numbers, especially if they are written on a receipt.

P.S. Afterwards I called the shop(the right one this time) and got my resized Kurtis back.

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